Child Care

How to Choose Your Childcare

How to Choose Your Childcare

January 13, 2021

Not Sure What Qualities to Look for in a Child Care Setting? Here Are Some Helpful Questions to Ask Yourself and the Center Before Making Your Decision! What type of qualifications should I be looking for in my child’s teachers? Normally, a typical child care center will require:  A minimum […]

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The Happy Goodbye - Child Care Rhode Island

The Happy Goodbye

December 28, 2020

That dreaded moment… when you reluctantly peel your sobbing child off of your body, put on a brave face, and force a happy goodbye wave as you head out the door. We’ve all been there in that place, where we know rationally that our child will be just fine once […]

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COVID Daily Schedule

Covid -19: Daily Schedule 12M – 4Y

March 16, 2020

This is adapted to the fact that for the next who knows how many weeks, we are all home, all of us, all together, at home. (I’m fine, it will be fine.) Broad guidelines, suggestions so to say, these follow along with the kiddos day (aside from some obvious pandemic […]

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